Cultural Capital
Welcome to our school Trips, visits and experiences!
At Causeway Green, our pupils attend and experience educational visits all year round including residential opportunities.
School visits are integral as they give our pupils the chance to experience cultures, respect differences, and develop new friendships with their peers and thus broaden their horizons and knowledge.
Please see our weekly newsletters that capture all of our experiences and celebrate the Cultural Captial at Causeway Green Primary School
Cultural Capital at Causeway
- Trips, visits and experiences to include visits to religious places of worship
- Residentials
- PSHE curriculum
- Visitors to school- Speakers, performers, workshops and assemblies
- Opera visits
- Links with Birmingham Conservatoire and Symphony Hall
- Museum and art gallery links
- Language artist and author Polar Bear (Steven Camden) - Year 4 writing experience and assemblies
- Picture news
- Swimming
- Clubs (afterschool, lunchtime)
- Pupil-led councils (school council, safeguarding champions, sports council, ECO council)
- Themed days/weeks including Arts Week, Anti-bullying Week, Safer Internet Day and World Book Week
- Outdoor learning
- Charity work and fundraising
- Parent workshops -Stunning Starts and Fantastic Finishes
- Local Library
- School library and book clubs
- Theatre/cinema trips
- Aspiration week
- Interschool sports competitions
- Sandwell sports tournaments and competitions
- Links with local secondary schools- day visits to our school and day visits
- AND much more!