Curriculum Overview

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At Causeway Green Primary School our central aim is to provide a curriculum that delivers an excellent education for the pupils in our care. Our creative and inclusive curriculum is an essential part of that mission. 

Our curriculum intent is to:

  • Engage pupils and motivate them to learn

  • Be challenging and aspirational

  • Be relevant to the pupils

  • Be fully inclusive

  • Be broad and balanced

  • Have clearly defined aims while remaining flexible during delivery

  • Place key skills in literacy and numeracy at its core

  • Emphasise the importance of communication skills

  • Draw from the local context, including the environment, history, and expertise

  • Provide opportunities for pupils to engage purposefully with a range of technologies

  • Be delivered by inspirational and skilled teachers

  • Impart knowledge and develop skills, building on previous learning to ensure both are embedded

  • Prepare pupils for the next stage of their education and for life in modern Britain (our mission statement)

We are proud of our curriculum and keep these factors in mind to create a vibrant learning community where all pupils are successful learners who are valued and able to thrive. As we work hard to achieve this, then the curriculum we offer will undoubtedly be outstanding.

Our curriculum is underpinned by our RESPECT values. As we prepare our children for life beyond school, we will play a critical role in helping to shape curious, resilient, determined, passionate young people who can face the challenges of the future with confidence. We will provide curriculum opportunities that encourage pupils to develop a wider set of skills and qualities such as leadership, communication, empathy and perseverance, which are vital for each pupil’s successful learning. Learning at our school will contribute to cultural, physical, spiritual, moral and social well-being and play a part in extending each child’s understanding of British values.

When preparing pupils for the next stage in their education and for life in modern Britain we reference the Top 10 Skills of the Future, taken from the World Economic Forum report 2025. These skills include:

  • Analytical thinking and innovation

  • Active learning and learning strategies

  • Complex problem-solving

  • Critical thinking and analysis

  • Creativity, originality and initiative

  • Leadership and social influence

  • Technology use, monitoring and control

  • Technology design and programming

  • Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility

  • Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

These life skills are born through carefully planned activities which enrich school life and learning, giving pupils different perspectives, personal successes, independence, inspiration and experiences, both big and small.

We follow the National Curriculum for all year groups. The Curriculum Area of our website is regularly updated. Our Subject Leaders are working hard to bring you the most up-to-date curriculum information, allowing you to see our full programme of teaching in every subject, in every year group. Watch this space!

Here you can read our Autumn Term Curriculum Newsletters to see our full programme of teaching. 

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum then please speak to your class teacher or the Assistant Head Teacher for your phase. Mrs Chance for Early Years, Mrs Jarvis for Y1 - Y2, Mr Keeling for Y3 - 4 and Mrs Bastable for Y5 - 6. Alternatively please email [email protected]

Every term we will provide Curriculum Newsletters, parent/carer workshops and Stunning Starts & Fantastic Finishes, which help to inform parents/carers what their child will be learning about this term.

Please see the termly, Curriculum Newsletters for the content of our curriculum in each year group. These can be found on the class pages.

Please see our Curriculum Overview below

Autumn 1, Autumn 2, Spring 1, Spring 2, Summer 1 and Summer 2


We Are Family! People Who Help Us, I've Got a Spring in My Toe, I've Got a Spring in My Toe, Traditional Tales, Traditional Tales.


You've Got a Friend in Me, Sparkles and Celebrations, Me and My World, Once Upon a Time, Commotion in the Ocean, Commotion in the Ocean.

Year One

Our School and Local Areas, Gruesome Guy Fawkes, Toys, Wonderful Weather, London's Burning, By the Seaside.

Year Two

Remember Me, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, Animals around the World, Food Glorious Food, Living in Oldbury, You and MeTravellers and Explorers.

Year Three

Violent Volcanoes, Escape from Pompeii, Extreme Earth, Savage Stone Age, Revolting Romans, Making a Difference.

Year Four

Anglo-Saxons and Scots, Clever Climates, Vicious Vikings, Popular Places, The Black Country, The Black Country.

Year Five

Marvellous Mountains, Groovy Greeks, Menacing Mayans, Across the Atlantic, British Empire, Raging Rivers.

Year Six

Evolving Egyptians, Warming Waters, The World Around Us, Britain at War, Business Enterprise.