Mrs Helen Meredith - SENDco

Mrs Charlotte Kissane (maternity leave)- SENDco

Mrs Tracy Chance - Early Years Inclusion Lead SENDNPQ

Miss Katie Blackwell - Assistant Inclusion Lead for EYFS SENDNPQ

Mrs Alison Bayliss - Educational Psychologist

Wider SEND team - Mr Alex Cole, Mrs Teena Binsley, Miss Aneesa Bibi

If you have any queries regarding provisions that the school provides, please contact  Mrs Helen Meredith via the school office.

At Causeway Green Primary School we pride ourselves on being a happy and inclusive school. All teachers are teachers of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, who recognise that our pupils are entitled to a good quality of provision that will enable them to achieve their full potential. We believe in positive intervention, removing barriers to learning and raising aspirations. All our teachers are trained to support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and recognise that every child deserves high-quality provision to help them achieve their full potential. We believe in early identification of need, implementing positive interventions, removing barriers to learning, strong parent partnerships and raising aspirations and achievement levels. We also emphasise collaboration with other agencies to ensure a positive educational experience for all our students, including those with SEND.

This SEND Information Report should be read alongside the school’s SEND Policy, Equalities Information and Objectives, Whole-School Provision Map, SEND procedures flowchart, and Accessibility Plan.

The guides published below are designed for our staff and classroom practitioners to reflect on and enhance their teaching practices for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). They can be utilised by our SEND team, individual teachers, subject or phase teams, or incorporated into our whole school development strategy. The guides can be used by any classroom practitioner to reflect on and refine their pedagogy for pupils with SEND.