Meet the Staff

Senior Leadership Team


Tracey Flanagan

Deputy Headteacher

SENDCO from Oct 24

Helen Meredith

Senior Assistant Headteacher and SENDCO

Charlotte Kissane (Maternity Leave)

Assistant Headteacher - EYFS

Tracy Chance

Assistant Headteacher - KS1

Sarah Jarvis

Assistant Headteacher - KS2

Shaun Keeling

School Business Manager

Amanda Crump

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Deb Kendrick

Leadership and Middle Leadership Team


Charlotte Kissane (MAT Leave from Sept 24)

Core – Tracey Flanagan

Foundation – Sarah Jarvis

EYFS Phase Leader and SEND Early Intervention

Phonics and Reading Lead

Tracy Chance

Maths Lead

Marie Bastable

Writing and SPAG Lead and KS2 Lead

Shaun Keeling

Science Lead, ECT Induction Tutor, MFL and KS1 Lead 

Sarah Jarvis

Humanities Lead

Mark Chatterley

Art, Design and Music Lead

Jo Russell Lacy

Computing, Physical Education and RSHE Lead

Matthew Postin

Foundation Stage 


Tracy Chance

Assistant Headteacher

Reception 1

Jo Russell Lacey

Middle Leader – Art, DT and Music

Reception 2

Katie Blackwell


Key Stage One


Mark Chatterley

Middle Leader – History, Geography and RE


Emma Benbow

(ECT Year 2) School Staff Governor


Sarah Jarvis (4 days)

Science Lead, MFL, ECT Induction Tutor, MFL and KS1 Lead 


Halima Wahid

(ECT Year 2) Religious Education 

Key Stage Two


Jas Dhariwal



Upinder Saini



James Adams

ECT Year 1


Matt Postin

Middle Leader - Computing, PE and RSHE


Haleema Ahmed

(ECT Year 2) Maternity Leave


Shaquana Burke

ECT Year 1


Marie Bastable

Maths Lead


Shaun Keeling

Writing and SPAG lead

Additional Teacher

Annie Begum
Taneah Hussain- Maternity leave


Non-Class Based Teaching and Support Staff 

P.E teacher

Alex Foreshaw

Sports Coach and PE

Attendance officer

Jayne Walters


Designated Safeguarding Lead and Family Liaison officer

Deb Kendrick

Family support/ safeguarding team

Safeguarding and family support

Tracy Tooth

Family support/ safeguarding team/ Mentor/ Students / Offsite

Education Psychologist (part-time)

Alison Baylis

SEND Support

Reading Tutor

Zoe Steer

Lightning Squad Interventions and Reading Support

Lunchtime Manager

Helen Meredith

Manager of lunchtime staff, lunchtime activities and lunchtime supervisors


Aneesa Bibi

School Counsellor and teaching cover across the school

Support Teacher

Tiffany Ahman

Teacher Cover

Support Teacher

Ushma Akhtar

Teacher Cover

Little Sprouts

Sarah Hartland

Learning Support Practitioner and Toddler group

Learning Support Practitioners (LSPs) and Learning Support Assistants (LSAs)


Sarah Hartland

Sharon Hodgetts (nursery assistant)

Gurpreet Assi (1-1) (AM and Tuesday PM)


Rachel Stewart

Andrea Cunningham

Janet Riggon (1-1) (AM)

Emma Willetts (1-1) (AM)

Rachel Wilson (1-1)

Sam C (1-1) (PM)

Sara Saleh (1-1) (PM)

Year 1

Louise Whitehouse

Emily Hems


Hazha Rahman (1-1)

Emma Willetts (1-1) (AM)

Year 2


Chris Stokes (Fridays only)

Alex Cole (1-1) (AM)

Alarna Turton (1-1) (PM)

Sasha Hawkins (1-1)

Alicia Dachy (1-1) (AM)

Teena Binsley (1-1) (PM)

Year 3

Amina Begum

Chris Stokes

Alex Cole (1-1) (PM)

Sam Scott (1-1)

Year 4

Lynda Cole (Wed PM out)

Tiffany Ahman (Wed PM)

Teena Binsley (1-1) (AM)

Alicia Dachy (1-1) (PM)

Janet Riggon (1-1) (PM)

Sam C (1-1) (PM)

Year 5

Lisa Lowe

Indi Kadir (Mondays and Tuesdays)

Year 6

Ratchel Bensley

Sally Looker

 Asma Rehman (1-1)

Premises and Office Staff

School Business Manager

Amanda Crump

Finance, Personnel and Premises

Senior Officer administrator

Kirby Ashton

Finance, website, reception and admin office duties, Responsible for ordering, quality and control. Trips. CPD booking


Rhoda Hickman

Reception, Clubs, office duties, behaviour and newsletter.

Site Manager

David Flanagan

School site manager and manager of operational staff

Operational Team 

Mandy Baker

Sharon Hodgetts

Summer Hickman (maternity leave)

School operational and cleaning team

IT Technicians

Tan Manir/Andrew Hill

Managing of IT systems and equipment

Safeguarding Team 

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deb Kendrick

Deputy Safeguarding Leads and Safeguarding Team

Tracy Tooth

Tracey Flanagan 

Helen Meredith

Lunchtime Supervisors 

Katy Greenaway
Debbie Willetts
Sharon Hodgetts
Nicola Heer
Rachel Wilson
Lindsey Morris