Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery & Reception)

Welcome to Early Years

At Causeway Green Primary, we have a natural learning environment filled with real and authentic materials.  This approach allows our children to learn and develop in an environment that is rich of natural resources that develop children's curiosity and language through imaginative play.

Our Early Years Vision

Within our Early Years, we strive to provide a happy, calm and caring environment.  We carefully plan for a balance of 'adult-led' and 'child-led' learning which focuses heavily on children's interests and individual learning styles.  The 'Curiosity Approach' influences our everyday practice within class.  The philosophy behind the approach brings curiosity, awe and wonder into early childhood.  The approach allows children to become immersed in natural resources with an open-ended learning outcome.  Thus allowing for them to use their imaginations to create exciting play situations that develop their communication skills whilst introducing them to new vocabulary that extends their knowledge further.  This wonderful approach allows children to become the 'thinkers and doers' of the future.

We carefully plan our environment and curriculum to provide a range of stimulating opportunities to promote children's development in all of the following areas, which are outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage Reform guidance produced by the Department of Education:

Prime Areas of Learning

  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Specific Areas of Learning

  • Literacy

  • Mathematical Development

  • Understanding of the World

  • Expressive Art and Design

All of those areas of learning are connected.  The characteristics of effective teaching and learning weave through them all.  That's because children in their early years are becoming more powerful learners and thinkers.  These characteristics develop as they learn to do new things, acquire new skills, develop socially and emotionally and become better communicators (Development Matters 2020)

The Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning are:

  • Playing and Exploring - children investigate and experience things, and 'have a go'

  • Active Learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy achievements

  • Creating and Thinking Critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things

We also ensure that children receive the best start in their education by ensuring we follow the seven key features to effective early years practice:

  • The best for every child

  • High quality care

  • The Curriculum: what we want children to learn

  • Pedogogy: helping children to learn

  • Assessment: checking what children have learnt

  • Self-regulation and executive function

  • Partnership with parents

Applying for a Nursery Place

Please click on the link below for a nursery form

Request for Nursery Place 

Reception Baseline Assessments September 2024

Please click on the link below for information on the Reception Baseline Assessments for September 2024


Early years pupil premium - help our school get additional funding for your child!

If your child is 3 or 4 years old and receiving the universal 15 hours of free childcare in Sandwell your childcare provider may be eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP), if you meet the eligibility criteria.

The Early Years Pupil Premium is extra funding paid to your registered childcare provider to support your child/children's development, learning and care.

How will I know if my child is entitled?

Your child/children will be eligible if you receive one or more of the following benefits (same criteria used to access eligibility for free school meals):

Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child tax credit (but not working tax credit) and earn no more than £16,190 a year.
Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop receiving Working Tax Credit)
Universal Credit and earn no more than £7,400 a year

You may also be eligible if your child:

has been looked after by the Local Authority for at least one day;
Has been adopted from care from the Local Authority
Has left care from the Local Authority through special guardianship; or are subject to a child arrangement order setting out with whom the child is To live with in Sandwell (formerly known as residence orders).

If you are not in receipt of one of the above benefits/credits you will not be eligible to apply.

How do I apply for Early Years Pupil Premium funding?

If you completed a contract with your childcare provider, you should receive a letter from them, asking you to complete an Early Years Pupil Premium declaration form. If your child attends a local authority nursery school, you will also need to complete the declaration form which is available from the school. This form will be used to check your eligibility for the funding.

How do I receive the Early Years Pupil Premium?

The Early Years Pupil Premium is paid directly to your childcare provider as part of their normal funding claim.

How can the extra funds help my child?

This extra funding can be used in lots of ways to give them the best start in life and prepare them for full-time school.

For example, the funding can be used to provide;

Specialist training for staff e.g. speech and language development
Extra or individual support in a particular learning area
Extra equipment to support a particular development
Additional staffing or staff hours to enable further support for your child

Early years and childcare providers will have to demonstrate to Ofsted, the regulator of these services, how they have used these extra funds to support your child.

Will I be involved in how the money is being spent?

Your child's key person, as part of their ongoing communication, will continue to talk to you about your child's time in the setting.

What happens if my financial situation changes?

Once your child is eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium, they will remain so until they start reception.

For further information please talk to our Assistant Headteacher of Early Years; Mrs Tracy Chance or email the local authority:  [email protected]