Rocket Recall
As fluency is essential for future success in Mathematics we have launched our 'Rocket Recall Maths Awards' as a school. Each year group will have colour coded sets of fluency facts to eventually reach mastery level!
In Early Years our targets will help to promote number sense and understanding, looking closely at number bonds to 5 and 10.
Within Key stage 1 (years 1 - 2), children will use retrieval of number bonds and apply them to 100. Eventually moving on to recognise multiplication and division facts for their 2, 5 and 10 times table.
Key stage 2 (years 4 - 6) will be focusing on rapid recall of division and multiplication facts of all times tables which should have been acquired by the end of year 4.
Children can aim higher with the mastery achievement, which will see them using and applying these skills to different contexts and problems.
Parents will be able to support their child at home using the overview and their planners to see what they will be working on.
We wish you all the very best of luck!